
February 6, 2008

face, originally uploaded by Moonshine and Matches.


Body double sighting

February 5, 2008

I was out photographing campus yesterday and came across someone sleeping, and as I always do, I photographed them. I was processing the images today and noticed that the napper bears a striking likeness to yours truly.


Perhaps its my time traveling future self coming back to alter some part of my present life. Guess that I will break the golden rule of time travel at some point in the future.

Click below to enlarge


Everybody keep your fingers crossed that I don’t just *poof* disappear someday.

Weekend Photos of note.

February 4, 2008

Spine and Ribs on a wire.

A spine and a set of ribs found at the entrance to a clearcut out McGowan Creek Road. I thought that this was really creepy when I drove past this, but as I was backing up to photograph it, it occured to me that I might do exactly the same thing if I had found a bunch of cool bones out in the woods. Yet again I might have just left them where they were. Regardless of how they ended up hanging ona wire, I like this image.

The rest of these images are from the sportsman’s show on Saturday. There was very little of note except some taxidermy. The rational for killing and stuffing critters eludes me. Is it so hunter can remember the animal? If I was close enough to that bear to shoot it, you can be sure I would be able to recall it.

Just sayin’………

Backseat Walrus

Backseat Walrus…

Grizzly Bear

The bear of note.

Aaaagh - Lions

Aaaaaagh, lions!

All images shot with the Olympus XA w/ the now working flash unit attached.

$5 at Goodwill

January 29, 2008

I recently bought a Olympus XA at Goodwill. It is really small, has user adjustable f/stops, and a rangefinder. Hot dang! I have run three rolls of film through it so far, and I must say that I am not super impressed as of yet. But I doubt that I have taken it off of the widest aperture setting yet, which may account for the general unsharpness of the camera. None the less the images have a delightfully large amount of vignetting around the edges just like my ol’ Lomo justa before it sunk to the depths of the Siltcoos river.

Here are couple of my favs.

EB at a boat ramp on the McKenzie on the way home over a *very* snowy Santiam pass.


The Headless get left behind.

Pops setting deeks.

Not bad for $5.

Good things

January 28, 2008

  • Snow Days
  • Haley Bonar. A folkie with Midwest roots. Quiet, sparse music for life on the great plains.
  • My newish hiking boots. Even filled to the top with water they did not screw up my feet.
  • Burgers with fried eggs on top (as seen at 19th street)
  • Cowboy movies
  • Teaching myself to like whiskey, in particular, being introduced to good scotch.
  • The art of rearranging public signs. I submit this pair as illustration.

doll butt – dog butt

January 24, 2008

doll butt – dog butt, originally uploaded by Buddha fisherman.
Last week I aquired two new toys.
a) I have joined the pile of skinny legged, spiky belt hipsters, and purchaced a fixie. It rocks. Still working on fitting it, but It already is 300% more zipish than the fisher MTB. Picture to follow.
b) I have joined the pile of road hunting, sage rat splaterin, varment huntin’, .17hmr owners. I put a big ass scope on it. Will be sighting it in at the local (very strange) range this weekend. I haven’t even shot it yet. Picture to follow.
Interesting combo of objects acting as social signifiers, eh?



January 14, 2008


Is it just me, or is this picture somehow dirty?

A few from the South Jetty

January 7, 2008

Gulls on the rock dock 5








Fishing the salmon fly hatch on the Deschutes for the first time. Caught lots of nice fish. Also caught poison oak for the first time. Still have the scars.

A wet, tired Ella on the Metolious after a day of fishing. As usuall the Met yielded no fish. Beautifull place though.

Goose shooting with the fam

December 26, 2007
